advent calendar

One of the projects I started (while staying at the cabin for the weekend) was this advent calendar for my husband & I. This marks our first Christmas in our new house, so I wanted to start a new tradition.

This is so simple to make - if you are looking to make one last minute, try this out.

Basic supplies

-25 tags (large)
-25 mini glassine bags (to make pockets.)
-Cork Board + fabric (I used red burlap)
-Glue + Glitter (to write numbers. Or use a pretty pen)
-Pins or tacks


-Write numbers on tags
-Glue on glassine "pockets"
-Find a corkboard around the house
-Cut fabric to size, tack to each corner of corkboard
-Arrange tags on board
-Make/gather items to put in each pocket

I did items for the odd numbers & Q was responsible for the even's, so each day will be a surprise for one of us. We did items like candy, clues about Christmas gifts, Bible verses, ideas for holiday-related activities (ice skating, making cookies), and fun little notes to each other.


jen jafarzadeh said...

this is so fantastic! (and simple which makes it even more sweet!) I was not on the ball this year so I'm saving this as a must-do for next Christmas.

In Honor Of Design said...

oh my gosh-this is too cute for words. you are so creative girl! My husband would love something like this-he is a Christmas fanatic!

Lisa Rupp said...

I love this! I need to make me an advent calendar, but it might have to be next year.

Kir said...

Great job on this. It was fun to watch you thinking and creating. :)

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