more paper...

I am obsessed with paper goods and office materials. Is there a such thing as enough?

photo 1 perfectbound; photo 2 lovely design; photo 4 by me; photo 5 Bird & Banner


Kir said...

One of my favorite things is to stand in the supply closet at my school and just ogle the post it notes in all the sizes, the boxes of staples, paper clips, note pads, index cards, sharpies. These aren't even cute supplies like the pictures you posted, but I always walk out of there with something in my hand...

alli/hooray said...

Oh, I know exactly what you mean.

Rachel Follett said...

Gorgeous photos! I especially like the one with the card I made. :)

oh, hello friend. said...

these are so lovely!!
thanks for the inspiring paper collection ;)


iva yaneva said...

you are not alone :) love all of the photos.

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