Winter Plaid

I kept thinking how cozy some plaid, flannel pillows might be this winter, so I made a pair over Christmas break. Aside from clumsy measuring skills (I was one panel short of the plaid - luckily Q's mom had plain white on hand to use for the back sides), these are the simplest of all things to sew. They're definitely cozy! And look almost as nice on our bed at home as they did on this antique beauty at his parents' house.


christine, just bella said...

So classic. So awesome. Love.

Kelly said...

Very cozy. And I love that headboard!

Melanie said...

With all the snow the northeast in the U.S. are going to get I could definitely use some flannel anything right now! =) Very cozy!

Ergo - Blog

Unknown said...

These look great, Alli! :)

Julie // Bound said...

These are great! I always feel like so much bedroom stuff is super feminine...kind of nice to get some masculine energy in there :)

emi said...

your blog is so clean and well designed! obsessed with it already...
excited to start following!

Laicie said...

Ohh I keep saying that we need to buy some really great extra pillowcases to spruce up the bed... maybe I should make some! Such a good idea!

rooth said...

You made those?! Adorable and cozy-looking

dervla @ The Curator said...

oooohhhh i love these, how cozy and pretty looking.

Claudia Bravo MacPherson said...

I think these are so sweet. Do you sew often?

k said...

these are just right!

Gloria said...

This is so perfect for the winter months!

Janelle @ Two Cups Of Happy said...

Love these! I pinned them. Hope you don't mind :)

alli/hooray said...

Thank you guys! Claudia, not too often...yet ;)

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