Little Baby G

A few weekends ago, my youngest sister in-law came for a visit from Ohio with her first baby, our newest nephew. It's pretty neat that she is also a close friend from high school (she introduced me to Q  her brother), we planned her wedding together... and now this little guy has stolen all our hearts. As for the top image, we staged as many photos that weekend as he would oblige!

(bottom two pics from friends: first time meeting him at his house, and his first visit later at ours)


Becca said...

Just darling! Wish you could come take some pictures of my little man... my attempts at photo shoots have ended up every time with him fussing in my arms before 5 photos get taken...

Melanie said...

Oh what a cutie! Look at that first pose! He's a natural!! =)

Ergo - Blog

Kayla Poole said...

Such a sweetie! Ah, new life is such a blessing.

Tan said...

So precious! What a difference between weeks and months eh?

Kelly said...

So darling!

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness! Look at those eyes!

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