a new year

I've never officially made any new year's resolutions, usually just broad convictions like "I will get organized this year" or "I won't procrastinate", which I'm not going to resolve to do this year.

However, here are 5 things I'm currently working on doing:
1. Reverting back to my eager-homemaker phase from when we first got married: planning out meals before each week starts, and making a cleaning schedule I stick to.
2. Trying as many new recipes as I can, especially ones from Mastering the Art of French Cooking.
3. Making progress on saving & planning for our trip to Europe (tentatively scheduled for: before kids).
4. Planning regular devotions with my husband.
5. Reading more books on my to-read list.

(photos from our christmas)

It feels like our holiday was so refreshing.
We've been surrounded by snow, friends, family, and activities (like cookie-making with our new mixer!). I hope yours was just as good - cheers to 2010 (and to a mild & brief winter, fingers crossed).


Eric @ MyFirstGarage.com said...

From one blogger to another, Happy New Year - I wish you all only successes with your resolutions.

iva yaneva said...

Beautiful photos, dear! It looks like your holidays were really great :)
I like your goals because they are more likely to get fulfilled than "stop procrastinating" and "get organized" lol :)
As for mastering the art of french cooking, I am pretty sure the sales of this book went way up after Julie & Julia, lol. At least I hadn't heard of it before the movie and now it is on my list :)
I want to read books as well, I love reading! I was even thinking of making a book club where we could pick a book a month, read and discuss it:)
have a lovely day, dear! xo

simplesong said...

that's a good list -- and lovely photos! happy new year to you!

kribss said...

fingers crossed (and toes!) that we have a mild + short winter!! i, too, would love to get back into routine of homemade meals + a clean house on a daily basis.

alli/hooray said...

Iva, I agree, the sales must have jumped after Julia's memoir & the movie came out. (I'm reading My Life in France right now & it's amazing).

jamie said...

go directly to europe...
do not pass go...
do not collect $200...
plan NoW...before those lovely children start to miraculously appear on your doorstep...
you will never regret it.
(from a mom of almost 5 who has yet to make it to italy with her husband).

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