giant cookie

I recently made these delicious cookies as a thank you for my brother in-law, Thad. It's actually one giant 9" chocolate chip cookie, which I cut into bars (and my husband & I enjoyed the edge pieces). It's a lot easier than scooping out an entire batch of cookies and dealing with baking sheets & cooling racks (and the perfect amount when there's only two of us).

Recipe, as from my sister in-law,

1/2 c. each butter + sugar
1/4 c. brown sugar

1 egg
3/4 tsp. vanilla
1/4 tsp. each baking soda + salt
1 1/2 c. flour
1/2 c. chocolate chips

Mix well. Bake in greased 9" pan at 350 for 15-20 minutes.


my2fish said...

alli, thanks for the link to my blog... and especially thanks for the cookies! Me and the boys loved them!


Kir said...

And thanks for the nod. :)

chelsea said...

I love the way you packaged it!

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